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Easy to fabricate. Easy to use. Make things possible. 

Easy to fabricate. Easy to use. Make things possible. 

Easy to fabricate. Easy to use. Make things possible. 

Shiyuan Liu Research Group

Advanced Personalized ElectroniX Laboratory

Easy to fabricate. Easy to use. Make things possible. 


We are a newly established research group at HKUST(GZ) interested in utilizing and modifying the interfacial properties of materials in multiscales to make things possible. We use a range of tools to advance the application of novel materials in biomedical electronics and big industries.

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The APEXLab is currently recruiting PhD students/Research assistants/Postdoc Fellows/Graduate students

We encourage interdisciplinary integration. If you have a background in materials, mechanics, electronics, biomedical engineering, physics, chemistry, etc., and are passionate about exploring scientific problems and creating value, you are welcome to contact Dr. Shiyuan Liu ( Dr. Liu will read and reply to every received email with thoughtful consideration.


  • S. Liu, Y. Hong, et al., Stress Eliminated Liquid-phase Fabrication of Colloidal Films Beyond Limitation of Critical Crack Thickness, Nature Communications

  • J. Liao, Z. Ma, S. Liu (equal contribution), et al., Programmable Microfluidic-Assisted Highly Conductive Hydrogel Patches for Customizable Soft Electronics, 2401930, Advanced Functionla Materials. link

  • Y. Hong, S. Liu (equal contribution), et al., A bioinspired surface tension-driven route toward programmed cellular ceramics, 15, 5030, Nature Communications. link

  • A. Veronica, S. Liu, et al., Enhancing Piezoelectricity of Silk Fibroin Through In Situ Growth of Metal‐Free Perovskite for Organic and Eco‐friendly Wearable Bioelectronics, 9, 2301320, Advanced Materials Technology. link

  • S. Liu, et al., Green Fabrication of Freestanding Piezoceramic Films for Energy Harvesting and Virus Detection, 15, 131, Nano-Micro Letters. link

  • Z Wang, S Liu, et al., Perspective on Development of Piezoelectric Micro-Power Generators, 3(2), 73-100, Nanoenergy Advances. link

  • S. Liu, et al., 3D conformal fabrication of piezoceramic films, 9 (18), 2106030, Advanced Science. link

  • ​Z Zhang, S Liu (equal contribution), et al.,Van der Waals exfoliation processed biopiezoelectric submucosa ultrathin films, 34 (26), 2200864, Advanced Materials. link

  • Y. Liu, C. Yiu, Z. Zhao, S. Liu (equal contribution), et al., Skin-Integrated Haptic Interfaces Enabled by Scalable Mechanical Actuators for Virtual Reality, 10, 1, 653-663, IEEE Internet of Things. link


Principal Investigator

Dr. Shiyuan LIU

BEng (SUSTech), PhD (CityUHK)

Dr. Liu received his bachelor’s degree from the Southern University of Science and Technology in 2018, and his Ph.D. degree from the City University of Hong Kong in 2022. He is now an assistant professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guang Zhou), affiliated with the Thrust of Smart Manufacturing in the System Hub. He has applied for 2 patents in  the USA, and authored over 30 academic articles in high-impact journals such as Nature Comm., Science Adv., Advanced Mat., Advanced Fun. Mat., etc. His research interests are interfacial engineering for materials, with a special focus on developing novel material fabrication solutions for particular applications, including structural health monitoring, point of care devices, wearable equipments. More informaiton can be found in Linkedin, and Google Scholar

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